How does it work?
Initial consultation:
A meeting is scheduled with you to discuss your concerns and the prospect of conducting a full diagnostic assessment for dyslexia. This appointment normally takes place over telephone or video call (Teams/Zoom). This appointment is complimentary. Duration 20 min.
If you require dyslexia screening or further advice, please indicate so in advance so we are able to book the appropriate service/time frame.
Screening (optional):
If you require dyslexia screening, a checklist and screener will be carried out at this stage of the process which will provide 'indicators' of dyslexia. If screening is required, a consultation fee is applicable. This appointment is normally 1 hour +
Full diagnostic assessment:
If a full diagnostic assessment is required, an appointment will be set up. You will be asked to complete a background questionnaire and return it to your assessor in advance of your appointment so your assessment can be tailored to your needs. The appointment normally takes place over 2-3 hours and can be done remotely (via Teams/Zoom). The assessment can be split into 2 shorter appointments if necessary. After the assessment you will receive a detailed report, providing you with a diagnosis (if applicable) as well as indicators of any other co-occurring specific learning difficulties, areas of strength/difficulty, recommended assessment adjustment for your College/University, recommendations for teaching/learning, personal recommendations and other helpful resources. A full diagnostic report is approximately 20-30 pages long and can be used for an application for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) to facilitate technical support and study skills development. More information about DSA can be found here:
The author of the report holds a current assessment practising certificate (APC) with Patoss and is registered with The SpLD Assessment Standards Committee [SASC]. You can be assured that the report/diagnosis you receive is in accordance with the latest SASC guidance. You can check if your assessor holds a current APC here (APC code: 500002935-OF8628).
You will be sent a draft copy of the report to approve before the final report is released. You will be given an opportunity to discuss the findings of the report with your assessor and ask any questions.
You can expect to receive your diagnostic report within 10 working days.
Post-assessment support/consultation/study skills session (optional):
You are able to request a follow-up appointment/s to discuss study techniques, resources and advice/support.
Appointments can take place over the phone, on Teams/Zoom or in person.